Friday, July 04, 2008


I sat on my bed, staring at my laptop. Clicking on meaningless websites, just to find something, anything to distract my mind just a little.

And suddenly just started crying. I don't know why the urge suddenly just hit me, haven't felt like crying for months. But it feels damn fucking good just to have a good cry.

Sometimes when you feel like the whole world is crushing down on you, trying to break you in, maybe crying isn't a sign of weakness? Maybe true courage is really giving in to a small moment of weakness, let it out then brush it off and just continue to move on.

I am moving on. Quite nicely I think.

"my dear girl you do not type to me in that tone!"
"what tone?"
"that sarcastic tone?"
"you can sense sarcasm over msn??!???"
"yes I am that good."

Reading through our old convos really made me laugh. A lot. I really miss you. But please don't msn me, okay? I will be very very scared. ^_^