Afternoon Update
There is nothing like a hot cup of coffee on a sleepy afternoon to make a person feel so much better.
Especially when it's the eve of the eve of Christmas.
Celebrations with my Pinkies tomorrow. Expect lots of pictures.
My favourite quote from Ip Man. Donnie Yen is so ultimate awesomeness (my new favourite word) as the lead character that I feel like wearing a male cheong sam and strolling around with my hands behind my back.
The Japanese general guy is not bad-looking either.
I also read that there is going to be a sequel.
Disclaimer: Please do take note that, of course, the coffee from my office's coffee dispenser don't look like that. It's only a picture taken off Google. If you don't know what Google is, go slap yourself. Google is awesomeness x infinity. So yes, that makes Google even more awesome than Donnie Yen. But no choice, without Google, I won't be able to find out stuffs about Donnie Yen, so ALL HAIL GOOGLE!
Note: Too much caffeine...