Toink Yo~~~
Wahahaha! 刘谦 BLUNDERS!
So funny!
*sings* He is human... afterall~~~
Okay, so I think maybe if any of 刘谦's tung-hoons (粉丝 lar! Haiyoh! Toot!) out there see this post, they will probably start plotting my death for not only making fun of his eye-landing activities (actually they should THANK ME for providing proof that he is not only not gay, but is as straight as they all come loh!) and also now posting this video so very, very big big here.
To those tung-hoons, I would like to say: HELLO LIGHTEN UP?
Not like if I make fun of him, it makes him any less great of a magician. And with the so many, many, many blogs lar, websites lar, forums, tributes lar singing his praises to the skies out there, what's wrong with a little humour at his expense?
Yes, I know, I know. I am a weird kind of fan. I mean if you spend so much time on something that you like, there must be some fun and enjoyment out of it too. If it's not fun and enjoyable, then why do it? And to me, funny is fun!
Besides, this video does not make 刘谦 look bad at all. He's, in fact, pretty funny and if anything, it made him seem more human, and less WTF-HE-IS-SO-EERIE-IS-HE-EVEN-FRACKING-FLESH-AND-BLOOD, something which is greatly expounded by the alarming fairness and translucence of his disgustingly good skin.
Oh, I do so love making fun of my favourite celebrities!