Thursday, April 02, 2009

Oh Look! It's THE Korean Boy Again!

Everyone! I have a new idol! I posted one of his music videos a while back, and today I found a few more! And since he is so cool so cool(!!!), I shall post SOME MORE of his videos!


Turn and dive, try to catch the pig~~~

Ohhhhh, I think I popped a vein when I try to sing along as he went into his highest pitch.

Waaaaah! The awesome fashion too!

Eeeeeeuuuuuuuuu, baybeh~~~ HO~~~

The video that OWNS all the other videos! Bcoz got sheeeeemeeeeering eye-shalow!

And the song which made it all... happen...

See, simply so fantabulously awesome? In the face of his glory, hummph! 刘谦算什么东西?


PS: OMFGKNNB shittyhole! This dude's name is KIM DONG WON! WAU LAU! WTF??!!?? Wannie, why you becomes rikes dats?

PSS: Is it weird that the more I listen to him, the more he REALLY starts to sound like Dongwan? OMFGKNNB shitty hole!