Monday, March 23, 2009

Self-Promotion Is The Best Food For Ego


So recently I have been posting pictures of myself in the name of humour, making statements, self-righteousness, saving the world and for joy, peace and laughter.

While this is done for the sake of all that is good and wonderful, it suddenly occurred to me that all these pictures of myself that I place here in the name of humour, making statements, self-righteousness, saving the world and for joy, peace and laughter are all... well, UGLY.


What if people really think that I am butt-ugly?

What if the man of my dreams happens to chance upon this blog, look at these pictures and promptly close his browser, thus negating the chance of us ever meeting and me getting married and having many many little mes running around, ruling the world and procreating even many many more of little little mes and little little little...AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!


And thus, I shall present...

Photos A La Moi... MUAHAHAAHAH!!!

See see see? So pretty and adorable!

Okay, so MAYBE I am not really the chioest of them all. But at least I don't look like a monkey's butt, right? Arrgh, why am I explaining myself? GODDAMMIT! I am pretty, okay??!!??

Ahhh, I think I am getting addicted to blogging again. So many entries yesterday alone! I really cannot believe that my blog lasted so long too. It's really nice to know that there is at least one thing that I can like doing for so long.

Men and hobbies come and go, but me and my blog, IT'S FOR REAL... FOR REAL~~~ *sings Mariah*