Thursday, June 25, 2009


Today I heard a conversation between two persons standing behind me on the escalator.

Person A: "明天不想去..." -sentence trails off in mumbled words-
Person B: "Huh?"
Person A: -louder voice- "明天不想去补习!"
Person B: "Orh... 不要去要讲hor!"

Conclusion 1: It's been a damn long time since I heard the phrase "补习".

Conclusion 2: I wish I am still at the age where I can still use the phrase "补习".

Conclusion 3: The phrase "补习" is so much cooler than the word "tuition", especially when people start spluttering trying to decide between pronouncing it "tuuu-sion" or "tuuu-weee-sion".

Sigh... I WANT TO 补习!!!

Hmmm, after you repeat the phrase a few more times than necessary, it really starts to sound like a bad word.
