Wednesday, January 16, 2013


Once again, some troubling changes are happening around me. And while it does not affect me directly, it is still demoralising to witness. I know I should be used to it by now, but I am glad to know that I am not so jaded that I am entirely impervious to ugliness.

But I am constantly reminding myself that I am here to do my job, so that I can provide for my family and to fulfill the things that I want to do in life. Although I cannot control what other people do, I can lend some support to those who needs it, learn from it and hopefully become a better person in the process.

I may not be one of those people with a lot of ambitions and will probably not end up becoming someone really powerful with lots of money. BUT I am a person who tries her best to work towards a better quality of life, without having to compromise anything, or manipulate and make use of anyone.

Ultimately, a lot of things in life are illusory. Money, branded goods, expensive cars, these are just what the eyes can see.

Don't get me wrong, I love expensive stuffs as much as the next woman hyperventilating at the thought of getting a sparkly new LV wallet. I love these material stuffs to bits, because they make feel me so damn good.

But such physical upgrades mean a crapload of nothing if we do not cultivate our spiritual upgrades.

No amount of material will make you feel as contented and fulfilled as knowing that you have conducted yourself with integrity. And how good it feels to be able to say that you are a good person.

I am sure even people without a functioning conscience knows, even if only deep down, whether they have done the right thing or not.

And this is the lesson I am taking away with me today.