Friday, August 31, 2007

Macau Macau!!!

One more week to Macau!!! Woohoo!!! The long-awaited holiday is almost here!

I think I am in dire need of a loooooonnnng break! Not that my current life is all that bad, but there is a fair amount of stress and worry.

I always feel so revitalised after a holiday, and I am sure this time will be no different.

EXCITED SIA!!! Next week, this time, IT'S MACAU BABY MACAU!!!

Yeah, I need to get out of my euphoric state, because I still have my PEAF exam tomorrow. Sigh, American history and politics. Bleh! I am so not a memorising kind of person. >_<

But hey, it's okay, because MACAU, WA AI LAI LIAO LAR! =D =D