Wednesday, August 27, 2008

I Am Bum No More!

Signed on the line today, although it's not dotted. I am officially employed! I am not going to say out the company name here, because I signed on this agreement that requires me to follow certain rules when blogging about the company. So although I am actually allowed to, I am not gonna to avoid all the troublesome hocus pocus.

What I can say is that I am working as a Production Assistant for a publishing co. in Singapore. My main job is to assist the Editors. More of an admin job right now, while I pick up the ropes.

But I think I will really like the job. I will be surrounded by books. I rike~~~

I guess my blog will get a little more interesting from now on as I blog about my new job. Or not. Depending if I become too busy or lazy to blog. But I am pretty sure I will lay off the emo and/or convoluted ramblings for a while.


Starting work on Monday! Am gonna start major lazying around from now on to mourn the end of my bumming days!