Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Shinhwa Sarang

Love this live version of Only One. They never fail to wow me!

Here's an entry I wrote about about them in 2006 after attending their concert in Singapore.

And I still feel the exact same sentiments now, even after four years. Hopefully they really do get back together after the last of them completes his national service. Of all the singing groups I like, Shinhwa has my support the longest. They are also the oldest. =P And I think one of the reason is that they've been a group for about 13 years. It's a very nice feeling to see "Years active: 1998–present" in Wikipedia about the group you support. I want to see them go for another good 20 or so years, and be able to tell my grandchildren, "Hey, this is grandma's favourite band when she was young."

That's the dream.