Smaller Is Always Better
To prove my point as per subject, here is a thumbnail of my current FB profile picture:
Quite pretty, right?
Still acceptable, I guess. Although there seems to be something, something that you just cannot put your finger to.
OMFG! GHOSH!!!!!! I look like a transvestite who has serious psychotic issues.
Makeup is all good and everything, but sometimes I really think I am just one of those women who are better off without makeup.
But I still like this photo, because I cropped it off this photo:
Face aside, blatantly exhibiting cleavage, check, arm with the illusion of not being fat, check.
Yes. I like this photo very much.
Quite pretty, right?
Still acceptable, I guess. Although there seems to be something, something that you just cannot put your finger to.
OMFG! GHOSH!!!!!! I look like a transvestite who has serious psychotic issues.
Makeup is all good and everything, but sometimes I really think I am just one of those women who are better off without makeup.
But I still like this photo, because I cropped it off this photo:
Face aside, blatantly exhibiting cleavage, check, arm with the illusion of not being fat, check.
Yes. I like this photo very much.