Thursday, October 13, 2005

Dum dum dum dum dum dum dum dum


Sometimes when you do not want certain things to happen, and they do, it's just so ...

Anyway, I may be having a crush on the weirdest person in the world. Hmmm, it's very strange, but anyway, it's just a crush, I expect it to fade in about 2 or 3 weeks. My crushes are surprisingly short-span. If I say I like someone, then that's a big headache. But again, it's so strange. This person is so WEIRD! Totally not my type, and so weird. I know I said weird many times, but I don't get him at all. He's like this big weirdo that walks around with his head somewhere else. The thing is, I cannot stop myself from observing him, and wondering what he's thinking. Sometimes a crush is not really about wanting to with that person, but this incessant need to wonder about him, and think about what he's thinking. It's kinda like a tiny obsession. He's just so weird. Damn, I am always interested in the strangest of things.