Tuesday, May 12, 2009


I have become slightly more thrifty since coming to Macau.

I spent half an hour today just to decide which type of pads is more value for money. And I opted for a cheaper sunblock than the one I usually get.

And to the guys who may be reading this right now, before you cringe at the mention of a womanly product, I stress again:

"We ladies actually go out and buy pads. They don't just pop out of no where. Chio bus can don't shit and fart out Chanel No. 5, BUT THEY STILL NEED TO BUY PADS!" - quoted from previous post entitled "Pee Wee!"

And do note that I don't fart out Chanel. My fart is the very insipid smell of whatever remnants of food I had consumed after going through my digestive system. That is not to say that I am not a chio bu per se, but more of an indication that my chioness is not the type which comes up to you and hit you in the face. It's more of the type which you have to really want to see the chioness. Like REALLY REALLY want to see it.


I am in a interesting mood today. Must be the $8 I saved on my toiletry needs today.