Wednesday, May 06, 2009

Swine Flu

I am somewhat miffed with some of the attitudes towards swine flu that I have came across.

There were more than a few complaints about the inconvenience that the swine flu is causing, such as travelling plans being disrupted, having to take temperature in the morning, some even cursing pigs for being the cause of this epidermic.

While a few complaints here and there are not uncommon and perfectly alright, some of the whining and grumbling are really getting on my nerves.

These people really do not appreciate the fact that some of these inconveniences are necessary in order to reduce the possibility of a global pandemic (or is it one already?) and the number of fatalities.

Remember SARS, people?

And no one really cares that the poor piggies are the real victims here. Do you think they want to be sick? Think of how YOU feel when you have the flu. And the pigs do not even have the luxury of having hooves that are capable of holding a tissue to blow their nose or purchase Panadol from the nearest NTUC or Watsons pharmacy.

So please, cut the poor swineys some slack!

No one really cares about me because they think I am stupid. Please, I am one of the smartest animals around, alright?