Monday, February 18, 2008

Pee Wee!

I was walking home today, carrying a huge bag of pads (yes my dear male friends, we ladies actually go out and buy pads. They don't just pop out of no where. Chio bus can don't shit and fart out Chanel No. 5, BUT THEY STILL NEED TO BUY PADS!), when I realised that someone was kinda following me.

Now I am not some thick-skinned woman who think she is such a fairy-from-the-sky aka TIAN XIAN that the whole world's men would follow her. I was actually walking for a while before I noticed that he kept walking behind me, and he kept matching my speed.

In order to understand fully my fear of being followed despite being on familiar grounds, I must explain that from the MRT station to my block, I have to walk through this carpark. And there's a stretch of short distance that is poorly lit and quite deserted at night.

And also, anyone who has been to my area before knows that there are A LOT of foreign workers hanging around here having their pinic parties, and by pinic I really mean alcohol. They are largely harmless who just kept to themselves, but from time to time when they get drunk, they can be rowdy and will sometimes harass the residents. So from time to time, it is actually better to be safe than sorry. Enough said, eh?

So after noticing that he was following me, I tried to turn around a few times to catch a full glimpse of his face. If this asshole was to try something funny, at least lao niang want to see his face CLEAR CLEAR! Then ask Constable Ah Chai to catch his sorry ass, and throw him inside to peh until his KKJ fall off! *works self up into a hysterical fit of anger*

But alas! He was a dark-skinned guy! So I couldn't even see his features properly! Damn! As my brain started to work up several unpleasant images of the things that he might be after (my money? my TIAN XIAN beauty? my pads? Nooooooo!!!). I started to clutch the bag of pads even tighter. I thought to myself, the moment he make his move I am going to blardy hell whack the daylights out of him with my plastic bag. There was a particular type of pad in the bag that was in a box and had a sharp edge. That should be more than enough to fend off the monster!

Then then then, after a few more metres when I turned around again, HE WAS GONE!


Feeling baffled and cheated, I slowly trudged my way home in a pissy mood. I mean it's good that nothing happened lar, but KENA JING XIA FOR NOTHING LEH! LAO NIANG NOT YOUNG LIAO LEH, ALWAYS KENA SCARED LIKE THAT WAIT DIE PREMATURELY, HOW? KNN! Who the hell knows what that person was thinking? Maybe he thought that I am someone he knows? Or maybe he's scared of walking alone, so want to make sure that he's walking with someone. Or maybe maybe he really wanted to attack me, but just decided that I am not worth the effort. MAYBE I LOST MY SEX APPEAL BECAUSE I WAS CARRYING PADS? OH NOES!

Or maybe maybe I am just plain nuts for even trying to speculate lar! Crazy. Okay, I want to go unpack my pads le lar. Baahahaha. I wonder if this repeated mention of the word "pad" is disturbing to any guys who may be reading this. Kekekekeke!