Sunday, December 12, 2010

A Lazy Sunday Afternoon

What a hot day!

Thinking about going to the gym to have a go at the girlie exercise machines because I had such a sinful Saturday of BBQ food, but the sun is scaring me indoors. It's so piercing and sizzling! I can feel it even though I am inside.

Isn't it supposed to be December monsoon now? The weather is so unpredictable!

Boy, do I need a good sunscreen! I am seriously looking through all the comments and reviews I can find online regarding sunscreens to determine which one to get. There are just so many, many, many different types on the market. Headache. I need one that will not break me out. Maybe it's time to make a trip to People's Park again.

I love that place! Everytime I see something I bought from People's Park in Watsons nowadays, I will feel highly satisfied. Ho ho ho! So auntie! I don't think I am a particularly stingy person, but being able to do some smart penny-pinching is a must-acquired skill for young working adults, so that we can stretch our dollars and do more with our paychecks!

It's not like I am the Golden Salty Dumpling. At age 24, he can afford to donate $6686 to charity. In my next life, I want to be either born rich or be so disgustingly talented that money just falls from the sky into my pockets.

Oh the sun~~~ So sleepy! Okay, I swear I will get out of the house by 3 pm. Woman's honour. ;)