Wednesday, July 27, 2005


Oh my gawd... My laptop is STILL not back!!! My baby~~~~~~~ Ok, my friends told me that it's stupid to call my laptop, my baby, so I kinda promised them that I won't. Alright, so I won't.

Anyway, HP messed up!!! Don't you hate it when these companies messed up SIMPLE instructions? Was it so hard to understand? Dammmmmnnnnn. Basically, originally they were supposed to deliver tomorrow before 3 pm, but I changed it to today before 4, but the people over there had a mix-up, and changed the timing but not the date. HOW SILLY IS THAT???!!!??? It's 6 now, and I STILL HAVE NOT GOTTEN MY LAPTOP!!!

Anyway, I called them up just now, and after almost two hours of bitching, three customer service officers later, we finally came to a compromise. I let them deliver it tonight before 9, but they send it to my Uncle's place downstairs. Crap!!!

I have no idea why I am so pissed. Problem solved. I get to go online after I come home from tutorials. They better not mess up again, if I do not get to watch my Bleach and my Chado tonight, I am gonna be one hell of a heinous bitch.