Babbles Babbles...
Why is it the common belief that if by a certain age, a woman does not have a boyfriend, and is not even remotely near to getting married, then there is something wrong about her? I am not bitching, you will know when I do. I am being truly mystified about this. ?_?
I was watching this matchmaking show on TV, and this girl, I think she's in her late 20s, was almost on the verge of tears, because all her friends are happily married with their own familis. And she feels really depressed at the thought of people calling her a 30-year-old virgin. I mean, WTF is that? It's no big deal, is it? I mean it's not like non-virgins get to go around with a board that says "Proudly f*****, XX times" Haha, gross!
I mean, it is alright to feel that something is lacking in your life, I know that feeling. As a female in her twenties, who has never dated in her life (not counting that horrible day out with that guy who mumbled everything he said and kept looking at his feet), and the most likely candidate for the president of the 30-year-old Virgins Club, I think I am in a good position to understand how she feels. But the way she's behaving is like, she will die if she does not get married ASAP.
Hmm, I wonder if in a couple of years, I will be like her. My thinking now is that, even if I don't get married, as long as I have a fulfilling life, it's ok. I am seriously putting adoption on the table. If I am financially able and unmarried, I don't see why not, even if I am married, if I can afford to, I will consider it too. Starting a family is what motivates humans, right? Imagine a little kid to control and influence. MUAHAAHAHHAHA! Fantastic. ^______^
I was watching this matchmaking show on TV, and this girl, I think she's in her late 20s, was almost on the verge of tears, because all her friends are happily married with their own familis. And she feels really depressed at the thought of people calling her a 30-year-old virgin. I mean, WTF is that? It's no big deal, is it? I mean it's not like non-virgins get to go around with a board that says "Proudly f*****, XX times" Haha, gross!
I mean, it is alright to feel that something is lacking in your life, I know that feeling. As a female in her twenties, who has never dated in her life (not counting that horrible day out with that guy who mumbled everything he said and kept looking at his feet), and the most likely candidate for the president of the 30-year-old Virgins Club, I think I am in a good position to understand how she feels. But the way she's behaving is like, she will die if she does not get married ASAP.
Hmm, I wonder if in a couple of years, I will be like her. My thinking now is that, even if I don't get married, as long as I have a fulfilling life, it's ok. I am seriously putting adoption on the table. If I am financially able and unmarried, I don't see why not, even if I am married, if I can afford to, I will consider it too. Starting a family is what motivates humans, right? Imagine a little kid to control and influence. MUAHAAHAHHAHA! Fantastic. ^______^