Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Almost A Year!

I just realise that I've been blogging for about a year now. Wow, that's a long time to be doing something that is almost useless.

Although I haven't been really constant in my blogging; slacking off weeks, even months at times, but I still made it this far!

Quite amazing. Ahha. In the spirit of this rather amazing, albeit useless, feat, I shall highlight some other stuffs that have kept my interest for a significant amount of time.

Now this is an interesting exercise because people who know me know that I am seldom interested in something for more than a few months at a time.

Okay, so what am I still interested in now that I had been interested in more than a few months ago? This sentence does not make any sense. But ok, you get the idea.

Okay, for starters, I am still doing this blog, so that's something. And I still like Shinhwa. YEAH! I love them. Ok, what else?

I still like Eric Bana, Viggo Mortensen, Christian Bale, and erm, I still like animes and reading. Ahha. Big problem, I cannot seem to think of anything else other than guys and hobbies that I have adopted since I was a kid.

That's just me, I guess. But hey, we should focus on the good and forget about the bad. So yaay! One year anniversary of REJOICE!!!