Saturday, June 09, 2007


As promised, I MUST blog about the place that my classmates, Spencer and Co. brought me to yesterday. Or was it today? I think it was today. Anyway, that place is simply a place that I would have never have thought or imagine or going to if someone never suggested it.

My first thought when stepping into the place was "OMG, I am going to meet my uncle here!"

Second thought, "OMG, all the aunties and uncles are tons times more well-dressed than me!"

Yeah, it is like that kind of place where I think pass-air (过气) Ah Bengs and Ah Lians (ABALs), those that had marry each other and have children of their own already, and like to take a night off on Friday nights to relive and "re-embrace" their ABALness. Okay, I have no idea what I am talking about. But the picture is there, I think.

OMG. Just the memory of it traumatises me. It was not so much the place per se. It was a pleasant place, as places like that go. It wasn't too rowdy to me and it was definitely not crowded, which are plus points. And the live band was actually very good. But the people there... The people...

They look like they should be home packing their kids' schoolbag or asking their children what they want for dinner.

I know, I should not judge anyone by their age, and these people definitely should have a place to have fun and an outlet for their stressful lives or whatever. But the sight of them shaking and dancing to the music.

OMG again.

OMG another time.


Hoho, anyway in other news, right before my tramatising experience at the certain number-named place somewhere in the vicinity of Plaza Singapura, Spencer and Co. actually met my Pink Army. I was really skeptical about letting them meet because gawd knows that I've tried with my poly classmates, and it was just so hard to break the two groups in. And I was proven right when once again, my Pink Army's oblivion to their surroundings but each other's company have overwhelmed any attempts of my classmates to infiltrate them. Kekeke, it was actually quite funny to see Spencer, the self-proclaimed FUN GUY try. And also funny to see him fail and give up. =P Once again, Pink Army prevails. Hehheh...