Sunday, December 12, 2010

Can'tBelieveTomorrowIsMondayAlreadyAndIHaveTo GoBackToWork!

I made an observation today while doing my 20 minutes on the treadmill.

Yes, I DID go to the gym. I did not leave my house at 3 pm as promised, but a good 15 minutes later, but key point is I DID go!

Anyway, so while I was pounding my knees to an early implants replacement and, hopefully, my heart to a good half an hour longer life span, I noticed that some of the guys in the gym would do this same thing. They would come in, have a go at all the heavy-weight machinery, pump iron like there was no tomorrow, throw back protein beverages and/or isotonic drinks and flex their huge-ass muscles, then go outside of the gym, and start smoking.

Well, I am not exactly the healthiest person around, I ate an ice-cream on the way back from the gym. But it was a hot day and I was walking home!

I don't know, it just seems so futile. No judgment. But it just kinda does. Take for instance, me eating an ice-cream after exercising. At the very least, there is some levels of output to balance the input? I am still slightly better off than say, if I eat an ice-cream without any form of exercise, yes? But smoking is something that has no healthy inputs or outputs in anyway to balance the toxic inputs?

I don't like to be the prudish kind who declares smoking as evil. I have no special feelings whatsoever towards people who smoke. It's just an unhealthy habit that some people need to make themselves feel better, like binge eating, drinking, over-spending, unhealthy obsession with boy bands, etc.

But smoking after so much effort in the gym, I can't understand it. It just seems so futile!