Dashing Is The Green-Eyed Bitch
Who's being a jealous little bitch? Woohoo! I am! Saw this blog from the newspaper about this blogger in Singapore who posted a naked picture of herself in her blog. When I told my friend about it, she asked me if I am jealous.
I supposed I should be. No one ever reads my blog, except maybe the couple of friends who does, probably as a form courtesy because I read theirs. I should be oh-so-frigging-jealous that her blog is in the news.
What is a blog for anyway? If anyone tells me it's a place for them to record their most private thoughts and feelings, I will point at them and laugh. Anyone who attempts to associate anything to do with the internet as private, is seriously demented. Let me teach you something, my dear. By putting anything on the internet, this means that anyone, I repeat, ANYONE will be able to gain access to it, legally or otherwise. Even if you lock it. Yes. *GASP* Oh boy, stop with the dramatics, if you don't know that by now, you shouldn't even be using the internet. It's dangerous.
Just like your invasion of my SO-CALLED privacy right now, anyone will be able to invade yours. I will even go to the extreme and say that, anything that is put online is fair game. Public property. So don't be getting ideas that a blog is meant to be private and start whining when some irate ex-boyfriend or snoopy colleague invades your privacy, because the moment you put something online, it's no longer private. It's becoming fair game.
That said, I am thoroughly enjoying my blogging experience. So much so that I am neglecting my own website (yes, I have an entire website dedicated to myself). Maybe it's because I am so horribly open about myself, or maybe it's the fact that I have nothing to hide. Then again, it may be because I will never blog about anything that can come back to hurt me? Who knows? Ah, the wonders of being a careful blogger and the joys of the possiblity of letting the whole world know of my opinions are boundless. Go figure.
PS: I think she has really nice boobs. I agree with her that she's got a good body. Usu...
I supposed I should be. No one ever reads my blog, except maybe the couple of friends who does, probably as a form courtesy because I read theirs. I should be oh-so-frigging-jealous that her blog is in the news.
What is a blog for anyway? If anyone tells me it's a place for them to record their most private thoughts and feelings, I will point at them and laugh. Anyone who attempts to associate anything to do with the internet as private, is seriously demented. Let me teach you something, my dear. By putting anything on the internet, this means that anyone, I repeat, ANYONE will be able to gain access to it, legally or otherwise. Even if you lock it. Yes. *GASP* Oh boy, stop with the dramatics, if you don't know that by now, you shouldn't even be using the internet. It's dangerous.
Just like your invasion of my SO-CALLED privacy right now, anyone will be able to invade yours. I will even go to the extreme and say that, anything that is put online is fair game. Public property. So don't be getting ideas that a blog is meant to be private and start whining when some irate ex-boyfriend or snoopy colleague invades your privacy, because the moment you put something online, it's no longer private. It's becoming fair game.
That said, I am thoroughly enjoying my blogging experience. So much so that I am neglecting my own website (yes, I have an entire website dedicated to myself). Maybe it's because I am so horribly open about myself, or maybe it's the fact that I have nothing to hide. Then again, it may be because I will never blog about anything that can come back to hurt me? Who knows? Ah, the wonders of being a careful blogger and the joys of the possiblity of letting the whole world know of my opinions are boundless. Go figure.
PS: I think she has really nice boobs. I agree with her that she's got a good body. Usu...