Sunday, July 03, 2005

Joker, Who May Thee Be?

"British actor Paul Bettany has joined the race to play Batman's nemesis The Joker in a planned sequel to Batman Begins. Director Christopher Nolan left no doubt The Joker would feature heavily in the next Batman installment when the villain, formerly played by Jack Nicholson, left a calling card in the final scene of the box office smash hit. And now Batman fansites are desperately trying to make sure producers pick the right man for the job. Crispin Glover was an early favorite, along with Star Wars' Mark Hamill, who provides the voice of The Joker in the Batman animated series and Aussie actor Lachy Hulme, and now Bettany has got the fans' vote. An insider tells website Batman-on-film.Com that the A Beautiful Mind star is officially in the running to play the evil character." -

Gosh, exciting! Truly exciting! I know I seemed to be constantly gushing about Christian Bale in Batman Begins, but there is definitely a lot of truly fantastic actors in the movie, like Gary Oldman, who is always fun to watch. I like how the Powers That Be for the current Batman movies seemed to be making all the right choices for the movie. Especially in the villians department. I really like Cillian Murphy's Jonathan Crane. He's one of the actors that I will look out for, he totally made the movie 28 Days Later watchable for me. And he's really sorta cute in Batman Begins.

The racelist for The Joker is definitely wow! Crispin Glover and Paul Bettany are fantastic candidates. Just think Crispin Glover in Willard or Charlie's Angels. Excellent portrayal despite the mediocre script. And Paul Bettany, Wimbledon was alright, but his short appearance in A Knight's Tale, definitely Joker material.

I cannot wait for the sequel! And they haven't even started filming it! DRATS!!! Haha. I want to see Michael Caine in Batman suit!!!

Listening to: They Don't Want Music - Black Eyed Peas