Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Something To Blog About

Out of curiosity today, I took out two pairs of jeans that I bought about two or three years ago that I never wear because they were too damn blardy tight they don't fit too well, and tried them on.

To my pleasant surprise, they fit real well now. I know that I have been shedding some weight here and there, but it feels really good to be able to fit into jeans that have always annoyed me with its very pressence in my cupboard, simply because I couldn't wear them comfortably.

Then I realise that, I don't really like them anymore. I have recently developed a liking for jeans that are a little snugger around the ankles, and these bootcut jeans that I used to like two or three years just don't cut it anymore.


Oh well, I shall just take solace in the fact that I can fit into them now. And maybe wear them on laundry day or when I just couldn't find any bottoms to wear. It's always nice to have options. =D

PS: I need clothes for CNY and for CY's wedding! Headache!

PSS: Oh no... I am late to meet my friends!!! Baaaah!!!