Monday, April 07, 2008

Spam Spam Spam Spam Spam (The Email, Not The Meat)

Got an email on my yahoo mail with the subject "After you open this letter you will need to purchase big Condom" from the sender "Pritesh".

Well, not only does the Indian-sounding name and weird grammar structure not throw me off, I am simply OH-SO-EXCITED to open the email! LIKE RIGHT NOW! Yaay! BIG CONDOM! -_-

I wonder why anyone would bother sending out such spam. Not only do they not make much sense (Hello! only I get to decide if I want to open ANYTHING in my email, and when I want to buy condoms, regular, big or otherwise, OKAY? NO ONE ORDERS ME AROUND!), the odds of anyone taking them seriously is almost niente.

I said almost because there is always some poor dude out there who may just be unable to fit into a regular-sized condom, whose hopes at a normal and safe sex life may just be kindled by such emails. And imagine his world come crushing down because it's just all rubbish. We are talking about people's lives here, okay?


That said, there is something to be said about ignoring spam. I think I am so used to it that I kinda developed a filter for it. I can scan through all my emails and instantly know which ones are the spam, without even registering what offensive subject line they have.

It's a handy skill, okay? There is just so many times you can read "Enlarge your penis by 10 inches" and "GET A BIG ONE DOWN THERE TODAY!". Sigh... I AM A WOMAN! I DON'T HAVE A PENIS and I don't think having a "big one down there" works for us ladies. Certain things are meant to be smaller and tight. ;)

Oh well... I guess that's it for my rant on spam. And now I have a craving for spam. The meat, not the email.