Thursday, November 03, 2005

Who? Am? I?

Who am I?

If anyone ask me this question, I seriously don't think that I am the best person to provide the answer. I am actually not very able to give an accurate description of myself, without painting the picture of someone I want people to see, rather than what I really am. So I try to limit all descriptions of myself to "erm, I think I am nice, friendly, talkative, stubborn.", just to cover the bases.

But who am I?

Seriously? I have absolutely no idea. Not a clue at all. I think the person that understands me the least is me. But the person who understands me the most is also *SURPRISE* me. Simply because no one else seems to be able to understand completely and give a good, accurate account of who I am. Trust me, I have asked.

I have tried piecing together the bits and pieces from here and there, to make up a complete analysis of the complicated mess that I am, but everything just seems so contradicting and inaccurate. I am not trying to say that I am one those of complex, interesting individuals, I am truly not. For example, I think that I am quite a boring person, my idea of relaxing is to stay at home and surf net the entire day, but people seemed to find me interesting enough to want to talk to me. Some people say that I am a friendly and nice person, but I bet that there are an equal number of people waiting to say the exact opposite about me.

So who am I?

I guess it is safe to say that I am a bit of everything, and every bit of nothing. Is that good enough? The reason why I like to take those personality tests A LOT is because I feel that there is a modicum of truth to them, and gives me a better insight of what I really am.

Arrrgh, I DON'T KNOW!!! I am just me, Mao Mao, Mo, Miao miao to my friends, my grandma's Ah-Ling, my parents nameless child. And a stranger to the strangers. I am nothing but a walking skin-bag of life, that will eventually snuff out. Like every body else. Everyone is the same after all.